Miscellaneous downloads

wlink.txt - Watfiv linkage macro

w5arg.txt - Watfiv argument list conversion routine

vol2file.txt - MUSIC/SP utility for transferring an archive file (.arc or .mfarc) to MUSIC/SP.
    Note: It is already on the 6.2 Demo system, as file $pgm:vol2file

wat5_igd_part.zip (562K) - Some Watfiv documentation from the Implem. Gd, in particular the conventions for calling S/370 assembler subprograms from Watfiv.

watc_ugd_part.zip (2.1 MB) - Some documentation from the WatC User Gd, that applies to WatC under MUSIC/SP.

winprogs.zip (215K) - Some useful command-line programs for Windows.
    MD5 digest: 284EE4A4 12863EB9 266FAFFD 669A443F

ratfor_1.zip (178K) - The Ratfor preprocessor for Fortran. Includes executables for Win32 and MUSIC/SP. Source modified to support both EBCDIC and ASCII systems.
    MD5 digest: 2D753BF1 0B427740 2AF309FF 2730A203

groups_ver61.zip (38K) - A C program, with source, that finds all abstract groups of a given (small) order. In mathematics, a group is a set of elements with a binary operation (a rule which assigns to each ordered pair of elements an element of the set) which satisfies certain conditions (closure, associative, inverses, identity element). The order of a finite group is the number of elements in the set. See any university text book on abstract ("modern") algebra. Groups have many applications in mathematics and science.
    MD5 digest: 348FD1D2 4341CB7B 348D8A31 EAB13FA2

printbat.txt (3K) - This is a command for MUSIC/SP that prints a specified file to the system printer device, by submitting a Batch job. Save this file as public file $PGM:PRINTBAT on your MUSIC/SP system.